Thursday, May 29, 2008

woolly week!

I ordered a ton of fiber last week and it has all started pouring in, including stuff from my first Craftster swap and first club installments!

Here is what I got from Lapoli- May FOM swap- i love the purple and gray:

lapoli craftster swap- may

And here is my first LOOP spontaneous spinning batt- I chose autumn as my favorite season, and I'm psyched. Steph also posted this on her Flickr so I got to drool over it for a couple of days- I was so happy when it turned out to be MINE! I couldn't get a good pic of the whole batt (it is HUGE) so here's a pic of the little flowers it come with- LOVE THEM!

loop may batt- autumn

And finally, my first Hobbledehoy batts of the month! I've started spinning these already! I love purple, green & blue:

hobbledy may batts

Aside from all this fiber to make me happy, I posted a bunch of stuff on Monday and had 4 sales within as many hours. Woohoo! Thanks to the loving BF for helping me package stuff up and ferry it to the post office. Time to finish up my smoothie and head off to my "real" job...

1 comment:

idyll hands said...

I'm glad to read about someone else having to ship things off on the way to their real job :) Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one out there who crafts in her spare time.

I can't wait to see what you spin up with those gorgeous new batts.